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Even though this app journey is quite premature, it has been very rewarding. I myself have learnt how to best manage my time, how to be more productive and how to get over my fears. Though, with this journey, I've come to respect other occupations. The world is becoming an increasingly connected world where software is adapted at an ever-increasing pace. We can see that technology is going to be at the forefront of what we do. It has got into our phones, into our finance and into our bodies. With this comes the rising demand for engineers and designers. I am absolutely taken aback by the utter skill of the people who create software.

I, myself, have tried to dip my hands into software design and programming. When it comes to design, I have no concept of colour. I can sketch something in black and white, but once I add colour it looks absolutely awful. This is me trying to create the background I would like the app to have


Then there's coding... Oh gosh coding... there are so many different languages for coding.

I am hopeless at languages in general. I learnt French for five years, and I can say basic phrases like

'Bonjour', 'Comme ca va', 'Ca va merci'. I guess I'm a bit better than Joey Tribbiani when it comes to French. They say coding is more like writing English. I've written lines of code. Though, when it comes to the execution of it, I'm prompted with error messages. Hours of frustration makes me realise that I've replaced a ; with a : or used ' instead of a ". I don't have the patience for that, nor do I want to be constantly reminded by a software program about my mistakes. If I want to do that, I can just play the PS3 educational game, which calls me an idiot. My initial presumption that applications can be built in 3 months has been flipped on its head, with the realisation that one person can't build it. A team of dedicated and passionate individuals are necessary. Lemme know if you're interested and lemme know your thoughts in the comments below ;)

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