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Confidence. It's a secret skill. It's a skill that's not given much emphasis but can take you places, far and wide. Confidence in your own capability. Confidence in your ability to succeed. Confidence in the face of adversity. Though how can we learn to be confident? That's a question I struggled with quite a lot while I was growing up. I continuously read articles about it. They gave suggestions about writing what your strengths are, killing negative thoughts with positive ones and writing about what you're proud of. Few of them mention just doing it. You can improve your confidence by doing things that scare the bejesus out of you. As you start pushing your boundaries, you start to see that YOU ARE capable. You see that putting your hand up isn't that scary, you see that talking in front of a crowd isn't that bad and you see that merging onto a freeway isn't that tricky. Renowned motivational speaker Mel Robbins has a 5 seconds rule for the JUST DO IT attitude, which says: "If you have an instinct to act on a goal, you must physically move within 5 seconds or your brain will kill it" because of fear or laziness. And if you just push yourself to do it before the five seconds are over, you will grow and develop. Life starts at the edge of your comfort zone!

So TaskForce, let me put a question out there for you to answer. How do you get over your fears, and what tricks do you use to become more confident? Let me know in the comments below :)

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