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Think about a recent hurdle you have faced. What was it? Did you avoid it? Did you overcome it?

Challenges. They’re bittersweet.

For me, when I’m in a challenging situation, I start to resent it. I complain and complain.

Credit: Anna

​​Sometimes, I even become my own challenge. I stand in the way as an obstacle. I make up excuses as to why I can’t push through the barrier, either by saying that I haven’t done it before, that I don’t have the necessary experience or that I’m not equipped with the right skills.

But once I push through and the event passes I realise that I’ve learnt something, and that I’ve become a better person.

I’ve also come to realise that the lens we see our lives through becomes our reality. They say that life is 10% of what happens and 90% how we react to it. Life is riddled with challenges but it’s ultimately the way we perceive it that increases our resilience.

With this start-up journey, I’ll have many obstacles lying in my path, but I will choose to look at these situations with a positive mindset.

Think about that hurdle again. How did you cope with it? What did you learn? Let me know in the comments below :)

And the next time you face something that is out of your comfort zone, I challenge you to face it head on and just do it! Get it done!

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